Es un juego divertido y El juego es bastante bueno y entretenido aunque en ocasiones se siente un poco injusto. Cyber Shadow es un juego difícil, vas a tener que estar intentando una y varias veces llegar a los checkpoint hasta que lo logres, los checkpoints están algo alejados uno del otro, así que vas a tener que dominar bien los tramos de cada nivel para poder avanzar en la historia. … ExpandĮl juego es bastante bueno y entretenido aunque en ocasiones se siente un poco injusto. This is not the Shovel Knight of retro ninja games, and I would be wary of picking this one up on a whim hoping for a fair but challenging time. However I can not agree that this game earns the monicer "tough but fair" for it is certainly lacking in the latter. For example, the graphics and music are both astounding. And it's a shame because there are some amazing aspects of the game. And also, why is the enemy placement completely unfair half of the time? This feels very similar to playing an nes game on an emulator to be frank. But if that were the case, why is there knockback? I thought most most people agreed by now that that is an unfair design choice. Many reviews called it retro styled with modern design sensibilities.

At first it really lived up to the hype of the critic reviews until I noticed a few oddities.

And also, why is the enemy placement completely unfair half of I was really enjoying this game.